Monday, December 30, 2019

Dynamics Of Modern News Industry - 896 Words

Dynamics of contemporary news industry is complex and challenged as almost all aspects of gathering, producing, delivery and reception is changing (BBC 2015b; Franklin 2014). Any technological changes occurring in an era will affect the publics it served (Pavlik 2000). Technology has always affected journalism since its beginning. The use of telegram and then telephone besides other inventions as part of news processes are examples of previous journalistic adaptation of technologies into its practice. Similar to other earlier forms of technology that have altered journalism in the past, the arrival of the Internet and the technologies it carry has further enhanced contemporary journalism. Media convergence is a phenomenon where communication technologies, computer networks and media content merge as a consequence of digitalisation of media and popularisation of the web (Flew n.d.). Media convergence and digitalisation occurring within Internet technologies emphasizes two pivotal factors between Internet technologies to date compared to previous. Firstly, Internet’s latest technologies gave way to increased news speed (Pavlik 2000; Juntunen 2010) and alters many facets of journalism in methods of news gathering, production, distribution and consumption (BBC 2015b). Various media are connected to one another allowing easy accessibility, connectivity and dissemination of information upon real-time happenings. Enhanced connectivity and easy accessibility to informationShow MoreRelatedSanger Automotive Companies: the Fisker Franchise Decision631 Words   |  3 Pagesagricultural sector. As a result, this sector has been transformed from a conventional and passive sector that focused on single commodity to a dynamic, diversified and modern sector. There are many challenges faced in the agricultural sector. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Using The Correlational Method For Study The Divided Brain

Cristian Colon Professor Melara Ms. Hernandez PSY 10200 20 October 2016 Using the Correlational Method to Study the Divided Brain The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the correlational method as a means for examining the relationship between functions of the left and right hemispheres. I will compare the performance of people with intact brains with the performance of so-called split-brain patients. In many ways, the brains of these two groups are very similar. 1a. The brain stem is found in the deepest part of the brain. The brainstem controls the automatic survival functions of the body, such as breathing. There are no differences between the function of the normal brainstem and the brain of a split brain patient. The brainstem will still supply the automatic survival functions of the body. 1b. The hippocampus is found in the limbic system along with the amygdala, the hypothalamus. The hippocampus is in charge of allowing the body to process information into memories. Without the hippocampus, there is no way for new memories to be created. There is no anatomical difference between the hippocampus in the normal brain and a split brain. 1c. The corpus callosum is found in the center of the brain. The role it plays as a part of the brain is it connects both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, allowing them to work and interact together as a whole system. The difference between the anatomy of the corpus callosum in a split brain patient versus someone without aShow MoreRelatedArticle Review : Deep Correspondence Restricted Boltzmann Machine For Cross Modal Retrieval979 Words   |  4 PagesModeling Methods in Behavioral Brain Sci. Reviewer : Jithin Pradeep R School of Behavioral and Brain Science, The University of Texas at Dallas December 16, 2016. Deep correspondence restricted Boltzmann machine for cross-modal retrieval: Jithin Pradeep Article Review. Article Review : Deep correspondence restricted Boltzmann machine for cross-modal retrieval Abstract of article Cross-modal retrieval task tries to exploit the correlation between the component using a canonicalRead MoreSexual Activity And Sexual Behavior1422 Words   |  6 Pagesthe sexual revolution in the 1960s, William Masters and Virginia Johnson set out to study the physiology behind human sexual responses by examining an estimated 10,000 sexual responses (1966). Initially, there was a concern that no one would participate, so 11 prostitutes were employed for the first two years. This time was crucial because it allowed Masters and Johnson to improve upon their research and methods. Knowing there was a bias in their sample, they set out to recruit participants and wereRead MoreNotes On The Nature Of Research1059 Words   |  5 PagesName: Sreenivasa reddy Ambati TECH 60078 – Research Methods in Technology Homework Assignment #1 Chapters 1 2 Chapter 1 – The Nature of Research 1. List the five ways of knowing The Five Ways of Knowing are:- 1. Sensory Experience 2. Agreement with others 3. Expert Opinion 4. Logic 5. The Scientific Method. 2. In 50 words or less (for each of the items listed below), explain the main shortcomings of: a. Expert opinion:- Expert opinion tells about the experience that has gainedRead MoreSleep Deprivation Essay3848 Words   |  16 Pageswhat motivates sleep and sleep deprivation with the five perspectives; evolutionary, psychodynamic, behaviourist, cognitive and the hierarchy of needs. This essay will also evaluate the best perspective to eliminate sleep deprivation with the cases studies discussing the general hypothesis of sleep and sleep deprivation. Basic Perspectives on Motivation: Evaluating Five Accounts for Sleep and Sleep Deprivation Sleep is one of our basic needs to survive and to function in day to day operations, butRead MoreThe Act Of 1965 : An Overview2131 Words   |  9 Pageseducational psychology by being a toolkit; which helps teachers improve their teaching skills and become effective teachers, use different instruction methods to meet the needs of different types of students. Lastly, these policies can act as research to improve teaching and learning which links with educational psychology. 2. Correlational studies are more significant in educational psychology, teaching and learning because it is a way to measure two variables of interest and how they are relatedRead MoreDementi The Most Common Form Of Progressive Dementia1352 Words   |  6 Pagescaregivers reported and that the increase of caregivers didn’t have a major effect in decreasing caregiver burden. 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Social psychology is one of the psychology branchesRead MoreThe Central Nervous System14042 Words   |  57 PagesOur behaviors, as well as our thoughts and feelings, are produced by the actions of our brains, nerves, muscles, and glands. In this chapter we will begin our journey into the world of psychology by considering the biological makeup of the human being, including the most remarkable of human organs—the brain. We’ll consider the structure of the brain and also the methods that psychologists use to study the brain and to understand how it works. We will see that the body is controlled by an information

Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Rose for Emily-William Faulkner Free Essays

Nor can she be a wife and mother like others. Her father’s overprotection is obviously the root of all her monstrosities. (IOW) Born In a noble family, she lives In the lap of luxury, but the material life does not compensate for her sufferings. We will write a custom essay sample on A Rose for Emily-William Faulkner or any similar topic only for you Order Now In fact, she Is Like â€Å"fish In bowl, bird In cage† as her fathers thinks, â€Å"none of the young men were quite good enough for Poor her, a beautiful young aristocrat with a miserable life Obviously, she deserves to live a better life and should have done whatever she desires: friendship, love and a happy Emily like others’ as those are basic rights of a human being. In contrast, she imprisons herself in her own house while living in loneliness and boredom. (owe) Moreover, she is not free to live her own life because of her father’s overprotection. As a pretty well-off girl, she is the target of lots of men. That means she has many opportunities to choose her â€Å"right† man. Unfortunately, her father is obviously a huge obstacle for her to live on her own. We readers can figure out what she has to suffer spiritually during her childhood beside a dictatorial father whose overprotection Is so relent that her life Is considered stolen. Her portray Is painted as a slender figure In white in the background. In fact, she is just a shadow beside her father. (owe) Her Tanners overprotection Is ten root AT all near monstrosities. Her extreme dependence on him results in monstrous deeds in her life. A new page of her life is opened when Homer Barron, a Yankee and daily laborer, appears. His appearance changes her life, but the fate doesn’t smile to her. Her forgetting â€Å"noblesse oblige† in order to live with him finally receives his betrayal. The hatred and desperation in her cake her commit a dreadful crime: murder. What surprises and terrifies us most is that she continues to live with his corpse in the bridal room for many years without being detected. (owe) To sum up, William Faulkner is really a talented artist who paints the image of a miserable woman who suffers too much. She should be happy with her own decisions, but her father’s overprotection deprives her of happiness to be a wife and mother. Moreover, she is unprepared to adapt herself to a new situation. Her life is a real hell with losses and lack of love. How to cite A Rose for Emily-William Faulkner, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Business and society free essay sample

Which of the political tactics discussed in this chapter are evident in this case? Information strategy which businesses seeking to provide government policymakers with information to influence their actions has been used, described as traditional political strategy (Lawrence Weber, 2014). Writing letter campaign, sending of e-mails, and making telephone calls, as well as black out can be considered as this strategy. The blacking out action was very effective in the end. Why were the political tactics used by the new media so effective in this case? Because on the censorship day of the U. S, which critics created, many of new media companies, like Wikipedia, blacking out their website to protest SOPA. This way many of their website users will get irritated since the websites are shut down, and they will start blaming the roots of the problem, which is SOPA. Would the effectiveness of these tactics vary, depending on the political issue at stake? Yes, it will vary; it depends on what political issue it is. We will write a custom essay sample on Business and society or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For some bill, for example, if the government is trying to make a new law about preventing global warming, yet it does not matter even if some environmentally unfriendly company did strike, it is not going to change anything. What can traditional companies learn from the new form of political activity described in this case? They should learn that the times have changed. They are long past the point where selling stuffs that are downloadable online and trying to protect their own benefit which is old school, they already got left behind. So do not struggle so hard and try to adapt their company to the new era.